Dressing Ethically — 6 Reasons Why You Should Wear A Sustainably Crafted Winter Jacket

Carl Rivera
4 min readJan 7, 2022

We could, as a species, do a lot of things more sustainably.

I don’t think that’s in doubt — but for one reason or another, humans tend to do things in ways that are often harmful to the environment, and every bit really does make a difference.

Using sustainable products can provide a lot of benefits, and it doesn’t mean we have to compromise on looks or functionality.

In fact, some of the best sustainable fashion brands produce clothing that looks fantastic and is actually better in many ways than the traditional options.

If you’re concerned about the environmental impact your clothing choices will have on the world, I have some good news for you.

By choosing the right sustainable products, you can do more than just “not make things worse” — in some cases you can actually make them better.

Here are a few ways sustainable fashion lines can help us to keep it clean.

  1. Low Carbon Processes

While there are super easy and cheap manufacturing processes that have been used for what seems like forever — they often come with an incredibly large carbon footprint.

Sustainable brands often do everything they can to minimize that, whether it’s by using different products entirely, or by changing the way they process materials.

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

2. Recycled Plastic Shells

I don’t have to tell you that we have a plastic problem — it’s everywhere, and we don’t really know what to do with it all.

One of the best possible uses I’ve seen, is turning old plastic bottles into new plastic clothing.

The outer shell on your jacket, which keeps all the water and wind out, can be made from 100% recycled plastic, and it will look, feel, and function exactly as if it were made with new materials.

This doesn’t just reduce the amount of plastic waste we create, it actually takes plastic out of our waste stream and gives it a whole new life.

3. Recycled Zippers

You’re going to see the word “recycled” a lot in this article, because it’s one of the best ways we can deal with our plastic problem, which is becoming more than just a nuisance.

Dedicated fashion brands that are truly working to be as sustainable as possible have gone so far as to use recycled in pretty much everything, including the plastic in their zippers and buttons.

These aren’t re-used products, which may be of questionable quality — they’re 100% recycled, so they are literally as good as new — or better if you care about the environment.

4. Recycled Plastic Insulation

Did I mention there’s a lot of recycling?

Traditional insulation is made with goose or duck down, which has several problems, starting with the use of animal products and ending with the fact that it’s absolutely terrible when wet.

Recycled plastic insulation, commonly known as PrimaLoft, once again takes plastic out of the waste stream and turns it into something incredibly useful — and water-resistant.

5. Sustainable Storefronts

Photo by Mike Petrucci on Unsplash

The clothing you wear has a larger footprint than just the materials it’s made from and the processes used to create it.

It also includes a small portion of the storefront it’s sold from.

Sustainable companies will often try to perform as few renovations as possible to a new property, and upcycle local furniture and decor.

This doesn’t just help to minimize their environmental impact, it also gives their stores a unique look and lets you know right away that they care about our planet.

6. Packaging Problems

You’ve probably brought many things home, and then wondered why they’re wrapped and boxed in so many layers of plastic that you nearly need a technical team to get it all opened up.

All of that wrapping and packaging is just… garbage.

It gets thrown out immediately and goes straight to a landfill — or the ocean.

Watch for stores that use minimal packaging, whether you’re picking up in-person, or having your items shipped, and you’ll instantly save a whole load of plastic from being wasted.

It’s frequently said that every little bit matters, and if you add up all the waste that can be saved from even a single sustainable winter jacket, you can see why.

Photo by Thom Holmes on Unsplash

One single article of clothing can be made up of several items of recycled plastic, and getting it from the right store can reduce the manufacturing footprint and packaging waste while supporting a company that’s trying to do good in the world.

If you need more reasons to wear a sustainable winter jacket, let me leave you with this thought — they’re simply better products.

So much thought and care has gone into making them sustainable, you can tell that the designers care very much about their products, and aren’t just mass-producing trash.

No matter which way you slice it, it’s worthwhile to be sustainable.



Carl Rivera

“Everything you don’t know is something you can learn.”