Hiring Through A Recruitment Agency Will Give You Better Employees — Here Are 3 Reasons Why.

Carl Rivera
2 min readJan 20, 2022

Acquiring the best talent is critical to being successful in business. Studies show that skilled workers give you increased productivity, increased innovation and creativity, and higher profits.

If you want your business to grow, you must hire skilled workers.

But as you might have already realized, it’s hard to hire good people. Studies indicate that the employee turnover rate for 2021 is about 57%.

So you’re not the only business owner who is having trouble finding the right fit for your business.

What is the answer to this deficit? The following explains why hiring a recruitment agency is the answer.

  1. Recruitment Agencies Give You Better Candidates

Recruitment agencies take the resumes they receive and tailor them to specific industries. Whenever you have a vacancy to fill, chances are that they can send at least 10 potential employees with the skills needed for that position.

This saves you time and energy. You no longer have to sift through tons of applications for the best ones. You can have the cream of the crop delivered to you.

Isn’t that great?

2. Recruitment Agencies Get You Candidates Faster

As mentioned before, recruitment agencies save you time. But in business, we know that whatever saves us time is saving us money.

Now you and your team can dedicate less time to the hiring process and more time to completing more meaningful tasks.

That’s not to say that recruitment is not important. It is critical to any business, but efficiency and productivity go hand in hand!

3. Recruitment Agencies Have Specialized Hiring Data

Recruitment agencies know the talent pool in your industry better than your recruiting team does. As such, they can help you fill any type of vacancy. Whether it’s an entry-level position or an executive spot, they’ll recommend the best possible candidates.

Studies reveal that one of the main reasons companies lose money is through a lack of employee retention.

Entry-level workers cost 50% of their salary to replace.

You could save your company that money by hiring a recruitment agency to get you candidates that are likely to stay longer.

Studies show that over 90% of companies use staffing agencies.

90 percent.

This means that if you know of ten other companies, at least nine of them retain the services of a recruitment agency.

Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

So why aren’t you using one?

People may argue that recruitment agencies are expensive, but the truth is that some agencies do not charge a percentage fee.

Additionally, while skilled workers command higher salaries, they profit a company more in the long run.

So hiring a recruitment agency might be just what you need to take your business to the next level.



Carl Rivera

“Everything you don’t know is something you can learn.”